Cat-Apps! :3

Prototype 1

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Prototype 1 Screenshot

Our prototype is a simple app with a pixelated cat head that says meow when you touch the invisible, bordless button containing the cat's head. At the bottom there is a heart meter that shows the happiness of the cat that goes up when the cat is "petted," or touched. It performed well in class with no errors; everyone who tested it was able to figure out how the program worked without trouble. Our project story involves being entertained on the go as a cat lover who owns an android device, to which our solution is a mobile cat app. The users actually tried petting the cat, however in the version we have now the cat only responds to being clicked, as we have not implemented dragging motion tracking yet.


Installs, Ratings, Price, and ".apk size" were found on Google Play, while "Total size on device" was measured by us using the Android operating system.

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